Whether you’re a marketing professional or an entrepreneur with a new website, these tips will help you get the word out. The best place to start is with social media. You can promote your site on Facebook and Twitter while making friends and followers who are potential customers.

You should also try search engine optimization to get your site ranking high in Google’s search results for relevant keywords. As long as you have the right keywords, links and relevant content, it won’t be long before you’re attracting more traffic than ever before!

And don’t forget about customer service – it’s not only good customer relations, but also great marketing.

Our 10 best digital marketing tips are:

1. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

One of the biggest trends in digital marketing is mobile devices. And it makes sense — According to some statistics, people spend more time on their phones than they do sleeping. In fact, one survey found that the average adult spends 2 hours and 15 minutes each day on his or her mobile phone. That’s a lot of time!

People are always on-the-go, so if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you could be missing out on business. If someone visits your site using a smartphone and has to zoom in to view your content or scroll left and right to see something that should be right there in front of them — you have lost them as a customer because they won’t likely return.

2. Make it easy to find

Make it easy to find your phone number and you will have an easier time attracting customers.

If you need help optimizing your site for mobile devices, contact us today. We can build a responsive website so that it is automatically optimized for any device anyone uses to visit your site.

3. Include Social Media “Share” Buttons on Your Site

Do you want your business to be the one everyone shares with friends and family on social media? Then you need to add share buttons! This can help people find out more information about your company and they may even mention your business to others in posts that appear in their friends’ newsfeeds.

Add social media sharing buttons to all of your primary pages, product pages and blog page as well. Let’s face it – social media is getting more popular each day! You don’t want to be left behind!

4. Include a Map Link on Your Site

Customers now expect your location to be included in websites. That’s why Google places a lot of value on having a map link for the site owner; many people use maps to get directions and are more sure of the location when they know where you are.

You’ll want to include the map link on each page of your site so that customers can find your location quickly and easily. Additionally, if you have a physical location, include a photo of your building or store front or even a few images and use the keywords in those photos that relate directly to the products you sell. You can also add the company name in some instances and then let Google know about it through Google My Business.

5. Add Product Reviews for Each Item Being Sold

People love to read product reviews. This is a great way to encourage customers to make purchases on your site and leave positive feedback. Whether or not you have a physical location, you can still get reviews from people who have tried your products. You can offer samples of the products or even discounts in exchange for reviews on relevant products.

Put a link for people to leave product reviews somewhere visible, like at the top of each product page.

6. Use Call-to-Actions to Encourage Responses

You should be using call-to-actions throughout your site in order to entice responses from viewers. These are words people see and read on the web, which compel them to do something. For example, you can say “click here” or “find out more” to grab attention.

You can also include special offers that relate directly to the products being considered by the customer. If you have a physical store, you can even include a sign in your storefront window with a call-to-action that attracts potential customers. You will want this sign to reflect what customers need to do in order to receive the offer.

7. Uncover Keywords for Your Site

You can use the Google keyword tool to uncover your website’s keyword density and traffic potential. This will give you a big boost in the search engines, which will lead to more traffic and sales. You might also want to consider buying a paid product if your site is not ranking high enough on Google. However, this is something you’ll want to do only after you’ve tried using other available ways of getting higher search visibility for your site.

8. Create a Kick-Start Guide for Potential Customers

Customers are busy people; they don’t have time to read every single page of your website or even read through all of the information placed on it before making a purchase decision. So, you need to help guide them through the process instead.

Create a kick-start guide which you can place on your “Home” page as a way of showing how to use your business effectively and why they should shop with you. You can also include a list of popular items sold at your site and add an image. In order for this to work, make sure that everything is placed in clear sight for potential customers and that you are creating a guide which is simple and to the point!

9. Use Product Descriptions in Your Site’s Navigation

If your site’s navigation is not user-friendly and doesn’t guide potential customers through the process easily, they might not even scroll to the bottom of the page to see a product listing. So instead of just having a product page which doesn’t include any information about your products at all, you should include a brief description of each one.

There are two ways to do this. If you don’t have this information already in your system, create it yourself and then add it at the top of each product page. This way you can easily add it to each page that contains your titles and keywords for each product. You might also want to see if there are some sites like HubSpot which can help with this process for you.

10. Emphasize Your Storefront

You’ll want to emphasize your storefront as much as possible by advertising from the front page, and making sure it looks appealing to customers. There are a lot of various ways of doing this, but at the end of the day, your storefront should look professional, neat and clean with an image that is eye-catching.

Published On: June 24th, 2020 / Categories: Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Marketing Strategy /

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