Facebook ads are easy to get started with, and can make a lot of money for the right person. However, they are also very expensive per click and can be quite time consuming to manage. In this article we’ll explore a few different ways that you might reduce the cost of your ads, or even eliminate them all together.

The first thing to keep in mind is that Facebook ads are extremely expensive per click. Even small ad sets can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per day. That being said, they can also make thousands or tens of thousands of dollars per day if you get it right. I’ve seen a $300 ad spend make over $30,000 in a day for the right audience and offer! So with this in mind let’s explore some ways you can reduce your ad spend:

1. Use a macro-conversion pathway

Facebook will optimize for getting as many clicks as possible even if it means the cost-per-click is high. If you have a high-value conversion, you can use that to get high-value clicks at low cost. For example, if you are trying to sell $1,000 courses your ad set could be very profitable with a few hundred clicks.

2. Build your brand

This can be tricky on Facebook because of how many people block ads there. But if you build a strong enough brand that people trust you and want to see your content in their feed then your expensive ads should be seen by more people without spending as much money per click.

3. Use retargeting lists with proper permission gathering

This is the most effective way to reduce ad spend. People who have already visited your site will be much less likely to block your ads on Facebook. If you haven’t done this yet, or have not been using it effectively I highly suggest reading our guides on retargeting:

4. Use conversion tracking

When you are paying per click ads can get expensive pretty quickly. Even if you go with their free analytics service it’s far too easy to lose track of how many sales and conversions any given ad set is generating. If you use conversion tracking with a reliable analytics service like Google Analytics or KissMetrics, then your ads should be significantly cheaper per click than they otherwise would be.

5. Use dynamic ads

Dynamic ads allow you to use the connection between Facebook and your analytics software to dynamically change your ad content based off of what the user has done on your site. Using dynamic ads means that you can get more value out of the same number of people who visit your site, or you can get new visitors for less in an existing ad set.

6.Use real-time bidding (RTB) in your paid campaigns

This is an advanced feature of Facebook that allows you to bid on the most relevant ad for a given user, avoiding ads that are irrelevant to them. If you use this feature correctly then your ads can be profitable despite being quite expensive per click

7. Reduce bidding for your audience targeting

If you want to make low-cost ads but you still want to maximize your ad spend, then I suggest setting up audience targeting so that your ads only target people likely to buy, regardless of their budget. The more often they purchase in the future the more they will get targeted ads later on.

8. Use mobile traffic

Mobile traffic tends to convert much better than desktop traffic, so if you only have access to one or the other then make sure that most of your budget is going towards mobile campaigns. If you are getting less than 10% of your traffic from mobile then I suggest switching a larger portion of it over temporarily until you get close to that 10%.

8. Use Facebook cost per action (CPA) bidding

With CPA bidding you pay the same price regardless of whether or not the user converts, so if your CPA is $40 but it converts at $15 then Facebook will optimize for your CPA based off of $15 and your total return will go up significantly due to less wasted spend per person targeted.

10.  Use Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads

These ads let you show people products based off of how they bought similar products in the past. This lets you display ads to people that like a specific brand, or product type, but probably aren’t very interested in buying anything right now. They tend to convert much better than regular FB ads as long as you are targeting the right people.

In addition to converting better than regular FB ads, these also have access to their audience targeting features so if you have seen a lot of people buying a particular item make sure that you are using this feature correctly.

– Use Facebook’s ‘Buy’ action links on emails. Facebook says that these don’t count as clicks and won’t affect your CPA, so you can use these links to drive people back to your site or email signup forms.

– Use ‘Call To Action’ in your ads. The ad copy underneath the image can make a big difference here, and if you have a really good one then using it in your ad will increase the click-through-rate (CTR) without increasing the cost per click (CPC).

– Use Facebook’s time-sensitive offers. These let you show people different ads based on what time it is, whether or not their friends are on Facebook or not, and even the amount of time since they last logged in.

Those are just some of the ways that I know that you can lower your ad spend using Facebook Ads, but there are certainly other ways to minimize costs as well. The key is to get educated on what kind of ad strategy works best for your site and your audience, then use that research to build a strong brand so that you don’t need to heavily discount (at least at the beginning) for a high ROI if your ads were doing well.

The goal when using Facebook Ads should be to get the most value out of your ad spend while keeping your overall cost per click (CPC) as low as possible. Once you have done that you can begin using ads to experiment with other ways to generate sales and increase your profits. Until then, just keep experimenting with different ways of boosting conversions and lowering costs, then measure the results that you get in terms of profits, conversion rate, and effectiveness of your ads. When it comes to Facebook Ads, the best policy is always “Don’t Pay For Results”!

Best wishes in your success with Facebook Ads! Click the image below for a free guide:

Published On: June 23rd, 2020 / Categories: Marketing Strategy, Social Media /

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